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Bestselling business author Seth Godin made waves in the publishing industry when he recently started his imprint The Domino Project. His first title, and a book he authored, is Poke the Box, which is now available. The Domino Project is powered by Amazon, who are really great at offering single copies of books at a low price.
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Every day, each of us find ourselves in a situation where we want someone to do something. Sometimes we get our way, and sometimes we don't, but even when we do, was it really the best outcome? Guy Kawasaki, author of the international bestseller The Art of the Start, has written a new book about persuasion, titled Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions.
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This week we are giving away 20 copies of The Velocity Manifesto: Harnessing Technology, Vision, and Culture to Future-Proof Your Organization by Scott Klososky. This new book by Scott Klososky is perfect for leaders who are curious and committed, and are willing to dive into future, not just dip their toes in. And I mean that literally, this book is a deep and wide pool of information and inspiration that ranges from the practical to the prophetic.
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Six Reasons Why the Sharing Society (aka the Mesh) Will Trump the Ownership Society by Lisa Gansky “Get out of your chairs and into the streets, kids—the Internet has come to town. Literally. The IT revolution started by moving data around.
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I first met Shawn Kent Hayashi at our Author Pow Wow early this year. Her talk at the Pow Wow, as well as her book, Conversations for Change: 12 Ways to Say it Right When it Matters Most, are about understanding communication styles, and developing your own in order to achieve objectives and strengthen relationships. Recently, Shawn asked me a few questions about good books for leaders, and my opinions of communication that works, and doesn't.
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