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How do you change people's minds? In psychologist Dr. Kevin Dutton's new book Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art & New Science of Changing Minds, he explores that very question.
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Jack has always said that we would never close unless the city buses stopped running, and as far as I can remember, this is the first time 800-CEO-READ has been forced to close due to weather. The blizzard last night was everything the weather experts advertised (for once) and there is a Civil Danger Alert for the City of Milwaukee. The schools are closed.
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Behold, the staff here at 800-CEO-READ. To learn more about us, visit our new about us page. *Wii portraits by 800-CEO-READ staff.
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Practically Radical: Four Simple Truths about Leading Change and Making a Difference by William C. Taylor “We are living through the age of disruption. You can’t do big things if you’re content with doing things a little better than everyone else or a little differently than how you did them before.
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