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There are a lot of great books coming out lately, and more to follow throughout the year. It seems the current business climate is an opportunity to present new ideas, a tabula rasa, so to speak, and we're discovering some real gems of thought being introduced to the world. One perfect example of this is the book Plenitude: The Economics of True Wealth by Juliet Schor.
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At least they are certainly in Milwaukee. If you're in the area, join us next Monday, June 14, for the Seth Godin inspired Linchpin Meetup event. 800-CEO-READ's ChangeThis is one of the co-sponsors, and we're offering a Seth Godin boxed set as a prize to be given away at the event.
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May sure was a busy month! It started out quiet and and then picked up some speed somewhere in the middle. About 2 weeks before the end of the month, central and Northern Wisconsin had a huge blizzard - it was almost a white-out (I know this because I had to travel that weekend to visit my mom for Mothers' Day).
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Ladies and gentleman, it's the 71th issue of ChangeThis. Excerpts and links below. ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ Plenitude: A Statement On Economics, Ecology & True Wealth by Juliet Schor “Business-as-usual economics relies on stimulating GNP to solve virtually all problems.
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As the economy and job market continue to climb back on their feet, a few books have been published that address the 'survivors' on a personal level, the most notable being Seth Godin's Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? In it, the author describes the characteristics that define a person who brings value to the work, groups, and experiences they are involved in. On one hand a personal development book, on the other hand, it's an economic development book, as it addresses how we as individuals can contribute to turning things around for the companies we work for in the process.
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