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We posted previously about stocking rare copies of the PK book, and hinted that we were also the Milwaukee franchise for their events. Well, if you're in Milwaukee, tonight's the night (June 17) - the very first Pecha Kucha Night in Milwaukee! 8:00 PM Hi Hat Garage 1701 N.
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A crop of books about brand marketing has sprung up this past publishing season. We're starting to receive galleys of the fall books. This one just came across my desk and caught my eye: Relevance: Making Stuff That Matters by Tim Manners.
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Each week an author is interviewed over at the Harvard Business School Publishing site for their IdeaCast series. This week, Marshall Goldsmith talks about how management is changing, what it takes to manage knowledge workers and explains how to manage up in your organization. Marshall is an executive coach who has authored a number of books including the bestselling What Got You Here Won't Get You There.
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Friend of the company Richard Mulholland has one of the cooler companies (and company websites) that we know of. Located in South Africa, Missing Link is on a mission: Missing Link is a specialist presentation firm, and we're angry. Seriously angry!
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