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We are on our way over to the Citizen Marketers LeaveSmarter event. Since most of you aren't in Milwaukee today, I have posted a podcast I did with Jackie Huba. If you want to really pretend you were here, you can cue that up around 12PM Central.
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LifeClever has a list of 17 different interviews with Getting Things Done guru David Allen. You'll find 247 minutes of audio and over 21,000 words of text in the links provided—useful for novice and expert alike.
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Authors Ray Davis and Alan Shrader did all the right things to pull me into Leading For Growth. Now, let's talk a bit about the book itself. Davis came to Umpqua Bank from a consulting practice where he saw nothing but the same in the banking industry.
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Wired 15. 03: Interview with the author of I Am a Strange Loop "The work was the inimitable Gödel, Escher, Bach, and its creator, Douglas Hofstadter, stunned the world with his zany, in-depth, and utterly brilliant investigation of self-reference in art and mathematics. .
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