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Bob Pritchett, CEO of Logos Bible Software, is talking about their direct to customer business model. They have 500,000 users and about 20% of those are returning customers. Their business involves developing electronic versions of religious texts from both acquiring rights for existing publishers and developing original content.
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If you're an author, you'd probably enjoy these 10 questions with our favorite bald guy. To get you started, here's the first question: 1) With 172,000 books published in 2005 in the US alone, it seems like everyone is doing it now. Is a book still a good way to distinguish my ideas?
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What Publishers Are Saying Readers Want by Todd S. It is always interesting to hear what publishers think readers are looking for. Publishers Weekly runs a feature each year on the trends in business books.
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2007 Quill Nominees by Kate At BEA, the 2007 Quill Award nominees were announced. What titles were eligible? Eligible titles for the 2007 Quill Awards were those published between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007.
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Richard Florida of Rise of the Creative Class and Flight of the Creative Class is looking for some help on the title for his next book. Some of the ideas include: The Wealth of Place Who's Your City? Where Location Factor Why Place Matters Geography is Destiny What's Your LQ (Location Quotient) I suggest in the comments that they keep working on it.
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