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In a time where book reviews are disappearing from major newspapers and magazines, one of the larger publishers Simon & Schuster (owned by CBS) is trying out online videos on books. Next month is the premiere of their new website Bookvideos. tv that will aide consumers in their choices and direct them towards Simon's books.
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Seth wrote last week about business books and pondered why people don't read them.
The whole post is a must read for our audience. Here is the killer quote:
"If you went to a doctor who told you that she hadn't read a scholarly article or taken any training since med school, would you stick around?
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Mignon Fogarty, of the popular podcast Grammar Girl, is writing a book due out next year through Henry Holt & Company. Typically in the publishing world, a book precedes the audiobook (or in some cases is released simultaneously).
For Mignon, this wasn't the case.
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Earlier today, a delivery man brought us this:
Upon a closer examination, we found it was from an author:
Inside was something edible.
To my knowledge, it's our first ever front-cover-cake. So Jack had to try it out.
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I think AdAge jumped the gun a bit in their accusation that Conde Nast's new business magazine, Portfolio, was going light on their book reviews.
I think their coverage is through, critical, and refreshing.
Roger Lowenstein (When Genius Failed) wrote an extensive review of Taleb's The Black Swan.
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