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Repairing the Hole in the Boat: How the Poor Can Save Capitalism by John Hope Bryant “What if there was a way to use the power of free market enterprise to lift every American and indeed every human being on the planet to a level of dignity, inclusion, fulfillment, engagement, economic security and stability? Wouldn’t that be a truly noble cause? ” The Accelerating Organization: In a Faster Moving World, We Need Speed and Agility to Keep Up by John P.
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Today is officially the last day of Jack Covert's tenure as President of 800-CEO-READ, a company he founded and has led since 1984. If it were up to us as a staff, we would find some grand gesture to mark the occasion. We would release a flock of exquisite birds in his honor, or etch "Thanks, Jack" onto the face of the moon.
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There has been a shake up around one of the major business book awards given every year, with McKinsey & Company taking the place of Goldman Sachs as the partner of the Financial Times for the tenth year of their prestigious award. Submissions have been open since last month, and they officially announced the launch of the 2014 Business Book of the Year Award yesterday. Also a first this year, they have announced an additional award—the Bracken Bower Prize—which "will be given to a promising young writer with the best proposal for a book about an emerging business theme.
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The Magic Triangle of Company and Career Health by Rich Karlgaard “The soft edge of business is the side of deeper human longings and values. . .
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Six Simple Rules: How to Manage Complexity Without Getting Complicated by Yves Morieux and Peter Tollman is one of those books that comes into your life at the exact time you need it. And you'll know immediately whether you need it now or not. And if you do?
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