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"100 percent of jobs, 100 percent of industries, and 100 percent of professions will be affected by Artificial Intelligence in the next five to ten years, By 2020, companies using AI will take 1.2 trillion from competitors who don't. Every day, we see or hear another mind-boggling statement about the impact Artificial Intelligence will have on the future. As consequential as these statements are, the truth is that nobody can predict just how profound this emerging technology will be. For example, just look at Amazon. No one could have foreseen that what started out as an online store could have grown to be one of the world's most powerful and valuable companies in the history of the earth, or more specifically, how the "Amazon Effect" would grow a supporting ecosystem comprised of manufactures, logics, and even suppliers like the cardboard box industry—all of which have greatly benefited from Amazon shipments. What we can be certain of is because of new emerging technology like AI, the rate of change will only increase. And the need for human intelligence, creativity, and ingenuity will be even more valuable and in demand in the future. However, here in lies the paradox—that AI technology is not only fueling the pace of change but will also make us more intelligent."
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"Many organizations run good projects and develop good strategies, with lots of Gant charts, stakeholder engagement and communication plans; they deliver a solid technical output. They probably even have a 'Change Management Plan' that includes briefings and information sharing, but then the Project team is done: The technical solution has been provided, and this output is passed over the fence to Operational Teams. Whatever happens next is not their concern; they have delivered a good 'answer,' even though most Operational Teams never asked the question. Herein lies the problem with execution, and the need to rethink embedment."
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"Over the course of the last several decades, the number of new startups in the U.S. has been on a steady decline. In fact, from 2008 to 2011, more U.S. businesses died annually than new ones were started for the first time in recorded history. Add to this that according to the Economic Innovation Group, only twenty counties—out of 3,149—generated half of the net new businesses between 2010 and 2014. Additionally, 75 percent of venture capital in the U.S. goes to only three areas—Silicon Valley, New York, and Boston. This has left much of the United States a wasteland in terms of entrepreneurial activity.

And the punches keep on coming."
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"Traditionally, responsibility means looking out for the bottom line, and reporting financial performance to your shareholders if you are a publicly traded company. In today's world, responsibility is taking on a whole new meaning, including looking out for your employees and the natural environment."
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