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“Caught between a rock and a hard place, listening to your CEO’s dry-as-dust dogand- pony show, you resist checking your phone because you’re a team player in a well-oiled machine. But left to your own devices, your attention turns to Minecraft or Instagram when the boss declares, ‘We’re raising the bar and pushing the envelope.’

It’s time for a paradigm shift; perhaps a sea change.

Clichés, it goes without saying, are integral to daily discourse. Familiarity with their meanings puts us all on the same page in order to get the ball rolling toward a win-win situation. (But, of course, only time will tell.)”
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"Strategic planning has always been an ineffective tool to lead an organization. Don't believe us? That's the finding of the consulting firm McKinsey, which posits that up to 70 percent of strategic plans fail. The venerable institution of strategic planning is long overdue for at least a major overhaul, if not outright replacement."
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"Today's leaders are being asked to both do more AND think more. Is that even possible? I'm a fan of multi-tasking but this seems unreasonable. Expecting leaders to succeed in the context of a constant act-more, think-more, produce-more world is self-defeating, at best. At worst, it could be disastrous for our projects, for our teams, and for our health. So, how do we keep pace and, at the same time, get better as leaders. We do so by questioning—even defying—conventional wisdom."
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"Leadership isn't always rewarding. It can feel like a bottomless pit of problem solving and adult-sitting. Leadership is exhausting, repetitive, and requires a constant stretch of your emotional and intellectual skills. It demands an 'always on' mentality, as you're expected to have all the right answers and make all the right decisions, often on the fly. But it doesn't mean leadership isn't important; on the contrary, often the things we struggle with yield the biggest return. It's okay if you admit that leadership can be hard and unenjoyable, because the benefits of being successful at it can be life-changing."
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