The Missing Piece
"THE MISSING PIECE" is a heart-rending story, evocative, and moving. It is a poignant tale tracing Sylvia's journey from the slums of post war Salford in the 1950's. Raised in an emotionally deprived home, struggling to complete her education against persistent opposition, she forges her own path to accomplish her dream to become a nurse.
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Book Information
Publisher: | HarperCollins |
Publish Date: | 01/24/2006 |
Pages: | 112 |
ISBN-13: | 9780060256715 |
ISBN-10: | 0060256710 |
Language: | English |
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Full Description
"THE MISSING PIECE" is a heart-rending story, evocative, and moving. It is a poignant tale tracing Sylvia's journey from the slums of post war Salford in the 1950's. Raised in an emotionally deprived home, struggling to complete her education against persistent opposition, she forges her own path to accomplish her dream to become a nurse. She meets and marries the man who was to play a pivotal role in her destiny. On their wedding day, a note is thrust into her hand . It was just a list, but it held the secret that threatened her destiny. Where would it end? The story dramatically highlights the transformation from a disadvantaged individual into a resolute woman who embodies survival, strength, perseverance, and finally, forgiveness.