ChangeThis is our weekly series of essays from today's thought leaders that are meant to evoke conversation by bringing forth new and unique ideas.
Blog / ChangeThis
Changing the Rules: Lessons from a Starfish World
By Ori Brafman
Such seemingly dissimilar groups as the Apache Indians, music swapping programs, Wikipedia, Alcoholics Anonymous and Al Queda have one thing in common: they are all starfish. According to Brafman and Beckstrom, each of these resilient groups succeeds because they are absent any hierarchy (head) and conventional organizations (spiders) best watch their backs.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Get Out of the Technology Hex
By Porchlight
Ever wonder what those folks in IT actually do everyday? Most likely, they are busy defending your company against invaders, inefficiency and wasted resources. How? Here, Sean Hull, "self-appointed International Interpreter for Geek-to-Suit communications" translates just what your technology team is doing for your organization.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Change the World of Not-for-Profits
By Porchlight
This energizing manifesto tackles the increasing dissonance between the archaic goals of typical Not-for-Profits and the realities of business. Suddes challenges you to think differently about these "For Impact" organizations and, thusly, inspires you to change the world.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
10 Unwealthy Habits
By Porchlight
A serial entrepreneur and wealth consultant, Alicia Castillo Holley, breaks down the negative habits that prevent us from gaining wealth. Written to address many individual viewpoints, she offers insight into how we can break those habits by first identifying them and then defying them.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
The Rise and Fall of the Hit
By Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson, author of The Long Tail, chronicles the history of the blockbuster and explains why the traditional model of marketing and selling music no longer works.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Tribal Knowledge: Business Wisdom Brewed from the Grounds of Starbucks Corporate Culture
By John Moore
Sharing insider information, John Moore gives us a peek into the corporate culture that informs the unparalleled success of the Starbucks brand.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
The Power of the Marginal
By Paul Graham
Paul Graham discusses how outsiders, free from convention and expectations, often generate the most revolutionary of ideas. Clever and entertaining, this manifesto will energize you and spark your creativity.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Calling All Designers: Learn to Write!
By Porchlight
In this succinct and timely manifesto, Derek Powazek demands that web designers learn to write in order to optimize the user's experience.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
We Need a New Word for Brand
By Porchlight
To unlock their brand's true potential, today's companies need to let go of slick superficiality and embrace authenticity!
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Never the Same: How to Create Transformational Experiences
By Charles Halton
What does it take to change the world? To change people? To make a difference, every day? Charles Halton presents 18 characteristics to help you create transformational experiences.
Categories: changethis
The original idea behind ChangeThis came from Seth Godin, and was built in the summer of 2004 by Amit Gupta, Catherine Hickey, Noah Weiss, Phoebe Espiritu, and Michelle Sriwongtong. In the summer of 2005, ChangeThis was turned over to 800-CEO-READ. In addition to selling and writing about books, they kept ChangeThis up and running as a standalone website for 14 years. In 2019, 800-CEO-READ became Porchlight, and we pulled ChangeThis together with the rest of our editorial content under the website you see now. We remain committed to the high-design quality and independent spirit of the original team that brought ChangeThis into the world.