ChangeThis is our weekly series of essays from today's thought leaders that are meant to evoke conversation by bringing forth new and unique ideas.
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The Creative Generalist
By Steve Hardy
People today are raised to be niche thinkers. We're all specialists in particular subject matters. We need to return to thinking more broadly to generate big ideas.
Categories: changethis
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The Bioteaming Manifesto
By Ken Thompson
Today's virtual teams have yet to realize their full potential. They could learn a lot from Mother Nature's teams. Ken Thompson and Robin Good explain what teams can gain from Mother Nature's tips.
Categories: changethis
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4G Web Strategy
By Dave Wilson
"'Traditional' website structure just doesn't work any more." Websites need to enable visitors to browse with ease and leave them wanting more. Allow Dave and davidcoe to introduce you to the new 4G Web Strategy.
Categories: changethis
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Now What?
By Porchlight
Can't predict the future? Neither can we. Thankfully, many of the trends that will affect our future practices are already here. Check them out in Ziv's manifesto.
Categories: changethis
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Marketing to Women for the Common Man
By Porchlight
"The non-planetary, bookshelf versions of 'Venus' and 'Mars' have conspired to make even the prospect of marketing to women a scary thing for a lot of men in business." For all common men out there: don't be afraid! Let Andrea teach you how to tweak your marketing messages to appeal to women.
Categories: changethis
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Cherry Bombs: A Supplemental Kit to „Radical Careering„
By Sally Hogshead
Stuck in a career rut? No way out? Lob a cherry bomb! "Cherry bombs are quick but explosive ideas that startle a situation out of paralysis. Bursts of thinking to create change within you, or around you."
Categories: changethis
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Critical Thinking for Managers: A Manifesto
By Porchlight
Crystal King provides a how-to-think critically guide. With many choices in today's world, managers need to be critical thinkers and encourage their employees to be the same.
Categories: changethis
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25 Ways to Distinguish Yourself
By Rajesh Setty
According to Setty, "being part of the commodity crowd erodes your value." You need to rise above the crowd by following Setty's 25 ways.
Categories: changethis
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The Hypomanic American
By Porchlight
Are all American entrepreneurs hypomanic? John Gartner defines the hypomanic American and describes traits associated with hypomania.
Categories: changethis
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The "PSF" is Everything!
By Tom Peters
This manifesto's subtitle is: Making the Professional Service Firm a "Lovemark" in an Age of "Managed Asset Reflation". Read on to discover why Peters believes the "professional service firm is everything".
Categories: changethis
The original idea behind ChangeThis came from Seth Godin, and was built in the summer of 2004 by Amit Gupta, Catherine Hickey, Noah Weiss, Phoebe Espiritu, and Michelle Sriwongtong. In the summer of 2005, ChangeThis was turned over to 800-CEO-READ. In addition to selling and writing about books, they kept ChangeThis up and running as a standalone website for 14 years. In 2019, 800-CEO-READ became Porchlight, and we pulled ChangeThis together with the rest of our editorial content under the website you see now. We remain committed to the high-design quality and independent spirit of the original team that brought ChangeThis into the world.