ChangeThis is our weekly series of essays from today's thought leaders that are meant to evoke conversation by bringing forth new and unique ideas.
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The State of Competitive Advantage
By Porchlight
Looking forward, competitive advantage demands competent process management to navigate the tumultuous and frenetic environment that enterprises face. Your value acceleration, not just value creation, is the metric to determine your enterprise's success.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Purposive Drift: Making It Up As We Go Along
By Porchlight
It is a common theory that successful people live their lives like a project plan, so we struggle to shape our lives along a pre-determined path. Instead, Oliver asserts that that the majority of people, many of them very successful, make it up as they go along. This smart manifesto offers a convincing and well-researched argument encouraging us to do a little drifting.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
You are Being Lied To and Other Truths
By Larry Winget
This is a manifesto's manifesto and an absolute ChangeThis reader must-read. Here, Larry Winget is everything you know him to be: upfront, relentless, hilarious, and full of wisdom about giving and getting business advice.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Reclaim Your Life: A Two-Week Challenge to Help You Regain Time
By Porchlight
January 1st comes around and we've all made a resolution or two. By February 1st, we've failed more than we've succeeded and are back on last year's track. Stuart Levine has the antidote. Here are 11 of his 100 rules for changing your life and making more of your work/life balance.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Work as Refuge: How to Add Meaning to Your Life at Work
By Porchlight
The alarm goes off. You stretch, yawn, put your feet on the floor, one foot in front of the other, get started on another unfulfilling day at the office. But it doesn't have to be that way. Jonathon Flaum shows you how to find meaning in your every day work.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
How to Become a Customer Action Hero in 10 Steps
By Jeanne Bliss
"Rate your experience from 1 to 10." "Would you recommend our company?" We ask the questions of our customers. But what do we do with their answers? Jeanne Bliss gives us the action plan to actually make our customers happy with our services.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Manifesto for Experimentation
By Joseph Jaffe
Jaffe declares that marketing organizations need to foster and adopt an aggressive and intense culture of experimentation. But how to take the risk? He'll present 10 critical components to take on the journey, and a 5-step process to guide the way.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Elegant Solutions: Breakthrough Thinking the Toyota Way
By Matthew E. May
One million ideas a year. A culture of innovation. An intrinsic belief that good enough never is. Matthew May's manifesto shows you how Toyota's principles and practices will help you engage your creative spirit and bring elegant solutions to your work and life.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
No Need to Fear: How Global Outsourcing Equals Opportunity
By Porchlight
Here, Steve Hamm asserts that outsourcing need not result in the vilification of foreign workers and the American companies who choose to find cost solutions overseas. Instead, he believes it offers opportunity to those who choose to look for it.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Co-Creation Rules!
By Porchlight
Cherkoff and Moore present inspiring examples of open source marketing that prove engagement trumps control in maximizing customer experience and making meaning. It may be a platitude to say that two heads are better than one, but this manifesto features collaboration in a whole new light—between company and consumer.
Categories: changethis
The original idea behind ChangeThis came from Seth Godin, and was built in the summer of 2004 by Amit Gupta, Catherine Hickey, Noah Weiss, Phoebe Espiritu, and Michelle Sriwongtong. In the summer of 2005, ChangeThis was turned over to 800-CEO-READ. In addition to selling and writing about books, they kept ChangeThis up and running as a standalone website for 14 years. In 2019, 800-CEO-READ became Porchlight, and we pulled ChangeThis together with the rest of our editorial content under the website you see now. We remain committed to the high-design quality and independent spirit of the original team that brought ChangeThis into the world.