ChangeThis is our weekly series of essays from today's thought leaders that are meant to evoke conversation by bringing forth new and unique ideas.
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The Long Tail
By Chris Anderson
Editor-in-Chief of Wired, CHRIS ANDERSON says that the future belongs to those that serve the millions of untapped niche markets as well as they serve the masses. Read his manifesto to find out how unlimited shelf space and personalization can revolutionize your business.
Categories: changethis
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Dear Hollywood: Great Movies can Make Money, Too
By Porchlight
For every Spider-Man 2, there are a dozen Catwomen. For every Alien, a dozen Alien vs. Predators. Hollywood knows how to produce, write, and direct great films; it's just that they so rarely bother to make the effort. Between the niche Indie and the brainless blandbuster are the great movies that thrill our senses and move our hearts. Better movies CAN make more money if we prove we want them. Hollywood, DON'T insult our intelligence, DON'T waste our time, DON'T sell us your snake oil any more. Raise the bar NOW!
Categories: changethis
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The Liberty Manifesto
By Porchlight
Best-selling author P.J. O'ROURKE has a message for you: "I don't know what's good for you. You don't know what's good for me. We don't know what's good for mankind." Read his manifesto to find out why he says government should be against the law.
Categories: changethis
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The Tyranny of Email
By Porchlight
Overwhelmed by email? Tired of non-sensical barely-English missives from coworkers? Wondering how an entire day can go by without any work getting done at all? OLE EICHHORN has a few simple suggestions.
Categories: changethis
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The Answer is Biodiesel
By Michael Briggs
Trade in your Prius and buy a VW! What's better than hybrids and better than fuel cells? According to UNH researcher Michael Briggs, the answer is Biodiesel. Read his manifesto to find out why biodiesel is cheaper and more environmentally-friendly to produce, ready for large-scale production, and usable in existing automobiles. The results may surprise you.
Categories: changethis
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Branded: Corporations and Our Schools
By Porchlight
Our children are being bombarded with commercial messages for more hours of their day than ever before, not at home, not on TV, not on the computer, but in their classrooms. Jennifer Rockne exposes the way corporations are buying up our schools, and in the process, our kids.
Categories: changethis
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The Art of Alpha Female Blogging
By Halley Suitt
As blogging has crept into the mainstream, the question's no more "what's a blog", but why or how do you blog? Halley Suitt, author of one of the most popular blogs, explains her own unique perspective.
Categories: changethis
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Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness
By Porchlight
Look younger, perform better, feel happier, and become more "perfect." Biotechnology promises to make all of these possible, but what kind of society do we find ourselves in when these modifications are an everyday reality? This ground-breaking report, the first of its kind in public bioethics, examines the ethical and humanitarian implications of genetic modification and the effect it is likely to have on humanity and our happiness.
Categories: changethis
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The Pro-Am Revolution
By Porchlight
Rap infects all popular culture. The Jubilee campaign led to billions of dollars of developing world debt being written off. Linux is one of the biggest challengers to Microsoft. The Sims is one of the most popular computer games ever. These developments have one thing in common: they were all driven by Pro-Ams, innovative, committed and networked amateurs working to professional standards... According to many commentators, the 1990s were a decade in which large corporations were rampant, their control over society virtually unchallenged. Yet the rise of Pro-Ams suggests counter trends were at work as well.
Categories: changethis
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Overcrowded Planet
By Porchlight
In 6 years, the world's population will hit 7 billion. Despite the worries, however, there is no evidence of an overpopulation problem, not even close. Read Dean's manifesto for the facts.
Categories: changethis
The original idea behind ChangeThis came from Seth Godin, and was built in the summer of 2004 by Amit Gupta, Catherine Hickey, Noah Weiss, Phoebe Espiritu, and Michelle Sriwongtong. In the summer of 2005, ChangeThis was turned over to 800-CEO-READ. In addition to selling and writing about books, they kept ChangeThis up and running as a standalone website for 14 years. In 2019, 800-CEO-READ became Porchlight, and we pulled ChangeThis together with the rest of our editorial content under the website you see now. We remain committed to the high-design quality and independent spirit of the original team that brought ChangeThis into the world.