ChangeThis is our weekly series of essays from today's thought leaders that are meant to evoke conversation by bringing forth new and unique ideas.
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Abolish the FCC
By Porchlight
"The very existence of the FCC is a flagrant violation of the right to free speech.". After the infamous "wardrobe malfunction" at the Superbowl, Robert Garamong says, things have gone from bad to worse. Before we give the FCC even more power to censor the airwaves, we ought consider whether the government should have such authority at all!
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
The Bootstrapper's Bible
By Porchlight
This manifesto is based on The Bootstrapper’s Bible , a book I wrote a few years ago. What I’ve done is divided it into short sections, so you can find the little kernel of insight you need, when you need it. (I hope!)
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Legalize Neighborhoods Again!
By Porchlight
America has forgotten how to make cities. With traffic-planning and single-use zoning the beloved neighborhood has been made illegal in most U.S. cities. David Greusel believes it's time for a change back to the way things used to be.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Strategy Letter 1: Ben and Jerry's vs. Amazon
By Porchlight
Starting a new company? Joel Spolsky, founder of Fog Creek Software and creator of "Joel on Software," says there's one important decision that you absolutely must make before you begin. It goes to the core of the difference between Ben and Jerry's and, and he explains it all in this manifesto.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Advice to Politicians: Marriage Equality for Same Sex Couples
By Porchlight
A letter from Evan Wolfson, Executive Director of Freedom to Marry, to every politician out there explaining exactly why supporting gay marriage is the right thing to do AND no longer politically dangerous. Forward this one to your local and national politicians and change the tide.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
A Physics of Ideas
By Porchlight
Information overload is no longer a novel concept, it's the ever-present nemesis of your productivity. In this manifesto, Nova Spivack describes a unique approach to organizing, filtering, and tracking information and meme spread using principles of Newtonian physics.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
One-Minute Site
By Porchlight
Spend one minute. Improve your website dramatically. What's not to like?
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
The Word on Word of Mouth
By Porchlight
There's a reason the subservient chicken didn't increase Chicken nugget sales, why the Segway (a.k.a "IT", a.k.a. "Ginger") hasn't changed the world despite drool-worthy P.R., and why Richard Branson descended a New York City skyscraper in a nude suit. And it all comes down to the distinctions among Viral, Buzz, and Word of Mouth marketing. Read this primer from the Founder of BzzAgent and it will all come together.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
By Tom Peters
Tom Peters, uber business guru, lays down 20 hard truths about outsourcing. Whether you like it or not, out-sourcing is here to stay. Ignore Tom's words at your peril.
Categories: changethis
Blog / ChangeThis
Global Guru: Guru Shaking Things Up. Making Things Happen.
By Porchlight
"Never in the history of the world has the entrepreneurial and small business spirit — the spirit of adventure — been more alive or in a more favorable position to reach out to the world for business. The fight-for-your-life attitude caused by extremely uncertain times, along with the explosive growth of the Internet, has leveled the playing field and emancipated the entrepreneurial and small business process. There is no end in sight, but instead, a beginning to realizing the world is your market."
Categories: changethis
The original idea behind ChangeThis came from Seth Godin, and was built in the summer of 2004 by Amit Gupta, Catherine Hickey, Noah Weiss, Phoebe Espiritu, and Michelle Sriwongtong. In the summer of 2005, ChangeThis was turned over to 800-CEO-READ. In addition to selling and writing about books, they kept ChangeThis up and running as a standalone website for 14 years. In 2019, 800-CEO-READ became Porchlight, and we pulled ChangeThis together with the rest of our editorial content under the website you see now. We remain committed to the high-design quality and independent spirit of the original team that brought ChangeThis into the world.